I started horseback riding when I was 5 years old and competed in several Western disciplines including equitation, reining, and barrel racing in Southern California. When grad school took me to the East Coast, I switched disciplines to ride English and photographed the hunter jumper arenas of local shows in the Washington DC area.
Growing up my Nana had four vintage framed prints based on original paintings by John Frederick Herring Sr. on her wall that I coveted my entire childhood. Depicting refined images of British racehorses in the early 1800s, I fell in love with the balance of elegance and athleticism in Thoroughbreds. The Herring prints from my Nana have hung proudly in the entry way of our homes for the past few years and are a cornerstone of several equestrian interior design elements around the house.
Then last spring all my childhood dreams came true when we added a four year old dapple grey Thoroughbred gelding to our family…my very own unicorn. Much like the influences leading up to owning him, his name holds great significance to my husband and me. His barn name – Archer – is an homage to my late father in law. While I was growing up at the barn, my husband was practicing archery with his dad and he has told me a number of times that he could always convince his dad to shoot bows and arrows if he wanted to get out of doing chores. He was a lover of all animals and I’m told he would have greatly enjoyed our menagerie. Archer’s name is also inspired by the Kacey Musgraves song “Follow Your Arrow,” a sentiment which has held true throughout both our lives. Set your sights on what makes you happy, take aim, and follow your heart!
Owning a horse may have been a lifelong dream of mine, but Archer has Adam wrapped right around his hoof. It’s carrots and peppermints galore with these two. Archer spent the first few years of his life on the race track but has decided the pampered pet life is far more his speed and we’re thrilled to spoil him for the rest of his life.
After six years of carefully crafting our business to deliver the highest level of service and photos, we are proud to announce an “accessory” to our dog photography brand – Dallas Equestrian Photography. Using our signature bold colors, dynamic angles, and avant-garde lighting, we look forward to bringing the utmost experience and fashion-forward imagery to Dallas equestrian photography. Our mission is to celebrate not only you and your horse’s athleticism, but everything that makes your own story to being an equestrian unique.
November 15, 2020
Haute Dog
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