When Amber contacted me to capture photos of her beautiful dogs, Toby the Cocker Spaniel and Abby the Catahoula mix, she told me she looked at several Dallas pet photographers but kept coming back to our work because it made her happy inside. I can tell you from the memories we created together, that feeling is completely mutual, and my heart can’t help but smile when I look at the love between Amber and her dogs. We were fortunate enough to have the Dallas National Golf Club all to ourselves for her session. We whipped around the course in golf carts, screeching to a stop every time we came to a new picturesque space. It was truly surreal. Amber wanted bright, colorful photos that celebrated the life and love of Toby – affectionately, “Turtle,” who at 13 years old was blind and deaf but no less perfect.
It goes without saying that when I learned of Toby’s passing last week, my heart shattered for Amber. Her friend reached out to tell me they were spending time going through the album of Toby’s photos and I am forever grateful that we could help tell the story of this little guy with a heart and personality the size of Texas.
During our session, we were all awe-struck by the luck of finding a rainbow that appeared seemingly out of nowhere amidst the gorgeous blue skies and fluffy clouds. Looking back, I am certain we were all meant to be there at that exact place in that exact moment. Run free over the Rainbow Bridge, Toby. You are so loved.
August 7, 2017
- Robyn
Haute Dog
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